
Chord-O-Mat 3 is a max for live chord library and trigger device for ableton live.
it’s designed to have quick access to the chords in a scale, to explore chords, make chord progressions and play live.
with the Instant Scale devices you’re able to make harmony changes over your whole live project.

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What is Chord-O-Mat

Chord-O-Mat 3 is an advanced composition tool and Chord Generator if you work with Ableton Live.

It helps you to create chord progressions, melodies or just give you inspiration if you stuck in creativity.

Modifiing chords by adding octaves, transposing, chord inversions and strumming is also possible.

Chord-O-Mat 3 makes creating chord progressions fun and easy with single-note presses and a scale correction to stay always in the right key whatever you play.

key features

  • more than 40 scales
  • all scales from push 1 + 2
  • scale collection from Tobias Hunke.
  • shows all chords from the selected scale.
  • automatically maps all chords to your keyboard, so you’re able to trigger a chord with one key
  • create custom chord sets
  • make chord progressions with your midiclips.
  • clear user interface
  • strumming
  • octave designer to add or remove notes from a chord
  • integration of Ableton Push 1, Push 2 & Push 3 
  • MPE Support (Only the Instant Scale Device which comes with Chord-O-Mat 3)

make your Chord Selection

to create your own Chord Selection you can drag & drop a Chord into one of the 16 Chord Slots.
each chord slot can be assigned to a keyboard key.

Chords follow the Root Note

it’s easy to transpose the Notes within a Scale. If you change the Root Note, the assigned Chords will always be in Key.

re-route the Midi Output

to route the Output from Chord-O-Mat to another Miditrack, just select a Track and click on “route Output to selected Track”

Instant Scale Device

With the instant scale device you can replace abletons native scale device and synchronise the scale settings to harmonize the midi all over your ableton live can improve your songs and arrangement with various sequences that react on your chords, because the Instant Scale device can follow the chord progession of chord-o-mat 3.Same scale setting for multiple devices. Chord-O-Mat 3, Scale-O-Mat 4 and Modular Sequencer are enabled to link the scale settings. if you change the scale in one device all other devices will follow


Tutorials / Videos from the wild

System Requirentments

Chord-O-Mat is compatible with Ableton Live Version:
Live VersionMax Versioncompatible
Live 9Max 8.2yes
Live 10Max 8.2yes
Live 11Max 8.2yes
Live 12Max 8.6yes
Chord-O-Mat is compatible with Ableton Push:
PushLive Versioncompatible
Push 1Live 9-11it’s compatible and should work also with Live 12, but it’s not tested.
Push 2Live 9-12yes, with Live 12 the touchstrip function is not working.
Push 3Live 11-12compatible but with Push 3 the touch strip is not working.
Push 3 StandaloneLive 11-12compatible but with Push 3 the touch strip is not working.


Prawie dwa lata temu na tych łamach opisywałem poprzednią wersję Chord-O-Mata. Od tego czasu wtyczka ta stała się moim podstawowym narzędziem w procesie komponowania, bo choć na rynku pojawiło się wielu nowych graczy, takich jak choćby Scaler czy InstaChord, to żaden z nich nie oferuje tak ścisłej integracji z Live’em i Pushem, nie wspominając o prostocie obsługi.

Die Bedienung ist wirklich einfach und intuitiv gelöst. Akkord anklicken oder über eine Taste eines Eingabegeräts eintriggern und dann per Mausklick auf ein Pad platzieren. Ein weiteres Plus ist die Möglichkeit, den Chord über den Touchstrip von Push als Einzelnoten abspielen zu können. Das erzeugt Gitarren-ähnliches Anschlagen der Noten.


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