EULA - End User Licence Agreement.
This document outlines a legal agreement with Tim Charlemagne (the author) for the use of soundmanufacture products (the software).
By installing the software you agree to the terms of use listed below.
If you do not agree with all terms, you do not have the right to install the software. In this case, any parts of the software as well as any audio material created using the software must be removed from all storage media in your possession.
Software Licence
The author grants any person the right to:
use this software for any purposes that do not conflict with any of the rules within this agreement
use this software for press-related publication, limited to:
textual descriptions or reviews of the functional and musical aspects
visual demonstration of the graphic user interface
audio demonstrations of the product’s capabilities. The software’s name, author and website address ( must be clearly indicated.
This software may be freely distributed under the following conditions:
this license agreement must accompany the software
the software must be distributed free of charge, it may not be exploited commercially in any way
the software is not modified so that its intended core functionality (as an audio plugin) is altered
no parts of the software are reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled etc..
no text or graphic information (such as labels or copyright notices) are removed or changed
Copyright notices
The software by soundmanufacture is protected by german copyright laws and rules laid out within international treaties. All copyrights pertaining to the software are owned by soundmanufacture / Tim Charlemagne.
The software by mididope is protected by german copyright laws and rules laid out within international treaties. All copyrights pertaining to the software are owned by mididope / Roland Sproll.
The software is provided to the user “as-is” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, any warranty of merchantability, usefulness and fitness for any specific purpose. The author does not guarantee that the functions of the software will meet personal requirements, that it is 100% error-free or that any bugs in the software will be corrected in future. The user bears the entire risk of using the software and shall in no way claim the author’s responsibility for damages incurred by its use or abuse, including (but not limited to) misinterpretation of the software’s documentation or functionality.